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CO2 Total Extract
Citrus aurantium

  • Botanical nameCitrus aurantium

  • Common name : Neroli

  • Geographical position700m above sea level

  • Part of the plant used: Flower (cultivated)

  • Appearance: Dark Brown solid.

  • Major compounds: Linalool, limonene, linalyl acetate

  • Odor: Natural and fresh fragrance


Chemical Industry
Natural Cosmetics

Bitter orange extract is concluded to have no unwanted or side effects when administered at therapeutic dosages, making it a safe ingredient to be added in edible formulations for dietary purposes. [1]

Its significant pharmacological effect is observed in “anticancer, antianxiety, antiobesity, antibacterial, antioxidant, pesticidal, and antidiabetic activities.”[1]

Its main health benefits are attributed to the richness in alkaloids such as p-synephrine and in metabolites such as flavonoids. [1]

Orange Blossom/ Neroli also shows marked free radical scavenger activity. It is also rich in other health-contributing compounds such as tannins, phenols, flavonoids, monoterpenes, linalool, polyphenols etc. [2]

Its application is also significant in the biotechnological processes. Since Citrus aurantium is a rich natural source of Proteases, this supports fish hydrolysate production. Evaluated at different pH values to observe degradation variations and patterns, Citrus aurantium Proteases seem to be beneficial in the production of fertilizers. [3]

Orange Blossom also shows bactericidal effects and antioxidative properties that play an important role in the Food Industry and Pharmaceuticals. [4]

Except for its role in the Food Industry or Perfumery due to its pleasant aroma and flavor, Citrus aurantium show antibacterial activity in another study where it was tested against “Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas.” [5]


[1]Suntar I, Khan H, Patel S, Celano R, Rastrelli L. An Overview on Citrus aurantium L.: Its Functions as Food Ingredient and Therapeutic Agent. Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2018;2018:7864269. Published 2018 May 2. doi:10.1155/2018/7864269

[2]Dhifi, Wissal & Mnif, Wissem & Jelali, Nahida & El Beyrouthy, Marc & Salem, Nidhal. (2013). Citrus aurantium (Bitter Orange) blossoms essential oil and methanolic extract: Composition and free radical scavenging activity. Acta horticulturae. 997. 195-200. 10.17660/ActaHortic.2013.997.23.

[3]Mazorra-Manzano, Miguel & Moreno-Hernández, Jesús & MJ, Torres-Llanez & Ramírez-Suárez, Juan & AF, GonzálezCórdova & Vallejo-Cordoba, Belinda. (2015). Evaluation of Citrus aurantium Flower as a New Source of Proteases for Fish Hydrolysate Production. Research & Reviews: Journal of Food and Dairy Technology. 5. 1-4. 

[4]Ben Hsouna, Anis & Hamdi, Naceur & Ben Halima, Nihed & Abdelkafi, Slim. (2013). Characterization of Essential Oil from Citrus aurantium L. Flowers: Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Activities. Journal of oleo science. 62. 763-772. 10.5650/jos.62.763. 

[5]Quintero, América & Gónzalez, C.N. & Sánchez, F. & Alfredo, Usubillaga & Rojas, Luis. (2004). Constituents and biological activity of Citrus aurantium amara L. essential oil. Acta Horticulturae. 597. 115-117. 10.17660/ActaHortic.2003.597.14.

* Please, note that the above statements are summaries of published studies and and investigations as cited at the end of each statement.

These are not results or conclusions drawn for Esencial® Laboratory.

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